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The plagues upon Egypt are a bracing section of Exodus. One after another, the plagues bring devastation upon the region that was keeping the Israelites captive and subjected. Ten plagues in all, these divine judgments demonstrate Yahweh’s supremacy as well as the vain hopes of Egypt. The Egyptian gods are no gods at all. And not even mighty pharaoh can ultimately resist the will of the Lord.
The reports about the plagues not only feature Moses’s words to pharaoh; there are also Egyptian magicians in several scenes. When Yahweh demonstrates a sign, the magicians of Egypt try to imitate it. And on a few occasions we read, “They, the magicians of Egypt, also did the same by their secret arts” (Exod. 7:11; see 7:22; 8:7).
These magicians did the same? How do we explain that? Have you ever wondered if that activity was real?